

Life On Mars Was Destroyed By Nuclear Attack’, Says Physicist And We Could Be Next

Life On Mars Was Destroyed By Nuclear Attack’, Says Physicist  And We Could Be Next - A well-Known physicist and author, John Brandenberg, has claimed that intellectual life once thrived on Mars – but was wiped out by a nuclear attack so powerful it left the planet cold and lifeless. The author has advised that a human mission to the planet be riding straightaway – in case we are in risk from the invaders who ‘killed’ Mars.

Brandenberg said that many of the nuclear isotopes in Mars’s air ‘look like those from hydrogen bombs on Earth’ and theories in a new book, ‘Death on Mars’, that a humanoid race once lived there but was wiped.

Life On Mars Was Destroyed By Nuclear Attack’, Says Physicist  And We Could Be Next

‘This Martian society seemingly perished due to a planet-wide disaster of unknown origin,’ he writes, citing depressions visible on the surface near the Curiosity Rover. ‘Was it a enormous nuclear attack?’

Many physicists trust that an event such as an asteroid strike may have raided Mars of its magnetic field, and thus its atmosphere, in the distant past – but Brandenberg have faith in that the planet may have been killed by another culture or even a rogue artificial intellect.

He also notifies that we could be next.

Life On Mars Was Destroyed By Nuclear Attack’, Says Physicist  And We Could Be Next

Brandenberg claims that depressions in the planet’s superficial could be indications of a long-past nuclear war (Picture: NASA)

Brandenberg proposes that the reason we have never caught any signals from intelligent civilisations – known as the Fermi Paradox – is that they are being destroyed. He cautioned that Earth may be on the cusp of being ‘noticed’ – and eliminated by the same powers.

‘The Astronomer Edward Harrison recommended one major aspect cutting short the lifetime of civilizations was older destructive civilizations who would wipe out young civilizations once they became noticeable through radio transmissions. The inspiration for such genocidal actions would be to evade later rivalry,’ he writes.

Life On Mars Was Destroyed By Nuclear Attack’, Says Physicist  And We Could Be Next

‘It is possible that our interstellar neighbourhood comprises forces aggressive to young, noisy, civilizations such as ourselves. Such aggressive forces could range from things as alien as AI (Artificial Intelligence) ‘with a grudge’ against flesh and blood.’

The most unsafe thing to intelligent life, Brandenberg proposes, may be ‘other intelligent life’ – but studying this may be a chance to endure an attack from whatever force devastated Mars.

‘The discovery of deceased civilization on Mars, whose end was seemingly disastrous and due to unknown causes, strengthens our understanding that the cosmos can be a treacherous place and needs a vigorous reaction from the human race, to reduce the likelihood that we will expire the same way.

‘The most probable cause of the Cydonian death, the large asteroid impact from the Lyot impact basin, producing collapse of a Mars greenhouse system, is a danger of the cosmos that we were conscious of.

‘However, the second imaginable catastrophe, a pair of large and unusual nuclear events, centred seemingly near Cydonia and also near Galaxias, and leaving no craters, is much more hard to comprehend. For this reason we must exploit our knowledge of what emerged on Mars, and this needs an international human mission.’

Nigel Watson, writer of the Haynes UFO Investigations Manual, speaks, ‘John Brandenberg is not the first individual to propose that Mars was ‘murdered’ by nuclear detonations. Writers who have encouraged the idea that early astronauts visited and survived on the Earth thousands of years ago, says that holy texts like the Bible recount stories of nuclear detonations.

‘They point to accounts like this in Genesis, ‘the LORD poured upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven’. Remains of molten glass in the deserts of Libya are also supposed to be indication of nuclear warfare or mishaps 28million years ago. They also think that the fabulous civilisation of Atlantis was demolished by atomic fighting.

‘In the remoter fringes of speculation, it is thought that there was a planet named Maldek that circled amongst Mars and Jupiter. Its inhabitants became self-centred, lazy and desired for power.
The result was, according to the Aetherius Society:
‘They detonated a hydrogen bomb and totally devastated the planet Maldek and killed the whole population in one outstanding flash of searing flame. All that is now left of that gorgeous planet is the asteroid belt.’

‘Although Brandenburg’s concept is on more solid ground, it still sums to speculation grounded on our current day knoeledge of the power of nuclear weapons and our fear of its mismanagement. It is a caution that we could do the same to our own planet, and underscores the belief of many scientists that we have not noticed intelligent life elsewhere in the universe because at some point civilisations will become non-existent either through disaster or self-destruction.’

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