

NASA Thinks Life Can Be Found Beneath Europa’s Surface

NASA Thinks Life Can Be Found Beneath Europa’s Surface - Concealed underneath Europa’s icy surface is possibly the most promising place in our solar system outside Earth to look for present-day surroundings that are appropriate for life. The Galileo mission found strong proof that a subsurface ocean of salty water is in interaction with a rocky seafloor. The cycling of material among the ocean and ice shell could possibly provide sources of chemical energy that could withstand simple life forms.

NASA Thinks Life Can Be Found Beneath Europa’s Surface

And then newly, in February, we received extra info that indicated that the moon is not frozen solid. The Galileo findings were boosted by the observation of vapour plumes originating from its surface in a new study of Hubble telescope data.

A new video from NASA details why Europa’s ocean world is a high importance for future investigations.

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